The Current State of Evictions in Kentucky
The decision to pursue an eviction has always been a difficult one. The process can be messy, protracted, and in some cases, expensive. Unfortunately, evictions are often unavoidable. When it comes to residential evictions, landlords must also grapple with the potential consequences of an eviction on an individual or family. It can be a traumatic process for everyone involved. In 2020, the novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, makes the situation even more fraught…

As a member of the Louisville small business community, we take the health and well being of our friends and neighbors very seriously. Since, March, we have been adjusting our policies to ensure the safety of our clients and employees. These changes include, but are not limited to, disinfecting and cleaning of surfaces after every encounter, the holding of virtual and phone meetings where we can, requiring masks to enter, increasing the frequency of routine cleaning and disinfecting, and regular temperature checks…

The Kentucky legislature passed a statute this year that requires predictable recording fees. We were recently given the new fees that go into effect on January 1, 2020. As you may notice, the new recording fees are significantly higher than the previous fees and some are now 3-4 times greater than before. This change will clearly add more out-of-pocket closing expenses to our mutual clients.
Need a recording fee cheat sheet? We have you covered…